
Jim Woods


The classic by the Rolling Stones, “You Can’t Always Get What You Want,” applies as much to the market as anything else — and who doesn’t want a taste of forbidden fruit when the opportunity arises? Once again, loyal readers, we are looking to China to treat our portfolios with sweet potential. As I wrote […]


The morning after “Super Tuesday” in the presidential primaries usually means the stage is set for the upcoming battle between Democratic and Republican candidates for the job of “leader of the free world.” And while there wasn’t much drama this year regarding who would be the two candidates fighting it out from here on, last […]


Any red-blooded American male will admit — it’s hard not to get caught up in the power of a persuasive “chick.” But luckily for The Deep Woods readers, this is a special kind of “chick,” and a worldly one, if I may. But, before I go any further, I shall give you some background. This […]


“Jim, I love your closing salutation on all of your newsletters. The one that says, ‘In the name of the best within us.’ But I was curious, where did you get that and/or how did you come up with that? Thanks in advance, Steven T., Paso Robles, Calif., a loyal reader.” First off, thank you, […]


We will delve into the world of Chinese sector exchange-traded funds (ETFs) during the next few weeks. Remember Baron Rothschild’s infamous words: “Buy when there’s blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own.” This 18th-century British banker and politician made his fortune by diving into the chaos after the Battle of Waterloo. Baron Rothschild […]


What’s the best part about writing The Deep Woods? My answer to this question, which I field frequently, is that I get to make connections between usually disparate fields in order to illustrate something interesting about the world. Today, I am going to do just that once again, this time with the help of my “secret […]