
When Mises Met MMA

It’s not often that you hear the brilliant Austrian school economist Ludwig von Mises referenced in the public...

Milton Friedman’s Blind Spot

“Adam Smith was a radical and a revolutionary in his time -- just as those of us who...

From Third World to First World: Who Offers the Best Model of State Capitalism?

“Little else is required to carry a state from the lowest barbarism to the highest degree of opulence...

The Question You Should Ask Whenever You’re Wrong

“Never bet on the end of the world. It only comes once, which is pretty long odds.” --...

This Hollywood Story Could Not Be Told Until Now

“When I die, there are two people I want to meet, and one of them is Cleon Skousen....

In the Name of the Best Within Us

“Jim, I love your closing salutation on all of your newsletters. The one that says, ‘In the name...

Commercial Real Estate Loan Tsunami About to Hit Bank Sector

Of the more debatable topics among professional and retail investors, the health of the banking sector is always...

Large-Cap Stocks

How Most Investors LOST Money in the #1 Best Performing Mutual Fund Ever!

“Nothing is more difficult than holding on to your stocks in a bear market.” -- Mike Turner (“Maxims...

[U.S. flag in shape of U.S.]

I’ve Joined the Cancel Culture!

Special announcement: Today, I'm excited to announce our keynote speakers at FreedomFest. Our “early bird” discount (save $200)...

Three Worldly Philosophers Rule the World: Who’s on Top Now?

“By the collision of different sentiments, sparks of truth strike out, and political light is obtained.” -- Benjamin...