Federal Reserve

bank sign

Three Bank Stocks to Buy When Fed-fueled Financial Fear Fades

Three bank stocks to buy when Fed-fueled financial fears fade feature companies that could surge when current shareholder selling...

First-Quarter Earnings Likely to Be the Trough

Nothing resolves market ills and pains more than corporate profits. The old saying of “sales fixes everything” applies...

The Almost Perfect People

A few years ago, I read a book called “The Almost Nearly Perfect People.” It extoled the virtues...

Fed Priming the Liquidity Pump Again

A number of reasons are being touted for the market’s rebound last week, the primary one being the...

Lots of Blame to Go Around for Banking Turmoil

Yields on Treasuries have nosedived in a full-scale rebuke of Fed Chair Jerome Powell claiming that rate cuts...

[Airbus A380 airplane]

Bracing for a ‘No Landing’

Here’s something you’re not likely to hear from a commercial airline pilot the next time you fly: “Ladies...

Traders are Betting the Fed Will Raise the Overnight Rate to 6.0%

By the time this column is emailed out to all my readers, the pivotal Consumer Price Index (CPI)...

Two Professors of Finance Called the Top and Bottom on Wall Street

“The public is right during the trends, but wrong at both ends.” -- Humphrey Neill (“Maxims of Wall Street,” p....

Maybe No Soft or Hard Landing for Economy as Job Market Strengthens

Bond and equity markets are in a much better place than how they ended 2022, with further evidence...

What’s the Big Idea?

“In the last 30 years, the reliability of empirical work and estimations has risen dramatically. Which is good....