How to Invest in the
Wall Cobalt “Mining Mania”

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Investing in Cobalt

Investors can’t stop talking about lithium these days.

Yet it’s lithium’s “close cousin” – cobalt – that could make investors a fortune over the coming months.

After all, cobalt prices have skyrocketed this year… as high as 83%, as demand soars. And for good reason…

Roughly 75% of lithium batteries use cobalt, and the biggest driver of demand is electric vehicles.

Meanwhile the U.S. Defense Logistics Agency has started to stockpile cobalt, which it has designated “strategic and critical.”

So it’s no wonder that investors who were savvy enough to buy cobalt-linked investments a year ago… are sitting on a tidy profit today.

That’s why we’ve just published a new report identifying the top ways to play the cobalt mining sector.


  • The cobalt play backed by a billionaire investor’s 20% stake
  • The 3 biggest companies in the cobalt sector
  • Pros and cons of investing in cobalt stocks

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Stock Investor Research Team

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