Timber:  The Single Best Long-term Investment There Is

How To Make Your Money Grow on Trees

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Investing in Timber


  • The easiest way to invest in timber today (without buying land)
  • Why timber is expected to outperform the broader U.S. stock market by 7.1% per year over the next 7 years
  • The legendary investor who’s “all-in” on timber

Many consider timber an alternative investment.

And yet, the Smart Money knows the following to be true…

Timber has returned an average of 6.5% a year during the last century!

What’s more — between 1971 and 2010, timber boasted average annual returns of over 14%.

That’s enough to turn $10,000 into more than $1.5 million.

One of the reasons for timber’s consistent out-performance is that trees are indifferent to bull markets AND bear markets.

Just the same, with shrinking supply happening around the world, the demand for trees keeps growing. And money keeps growing on them.

So, how do individual investors invest in timber?

A variety of investment options are available. But we’ll share the easiest (and one of the best) ways here in our newest research report.

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Stock Investor Research Team

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