Tag: Tom Forte

Potential Acquisition Targets to Invest in Now

Columnist Paul Dykewicz reviews some potential acquisition targets to invest in now.

[happy investor up arrows]

Shopify’s Stock Price Shows Sustained Ascent 

Shopify's stock price has been rising at a breakneck pace. Paul Dykewicz breaks down the company's strategy.

Amazon’s 25th Anniversary Highlights Rewarding Strategies for Investors

Paul Dykewicz discusses how Amazon's 25th anniversary highlights how its strategies have paid off.

John Mackey’s Favorite Stocks Have Long Included Amazon

Paul Dykewicz discusses online retailer Amazon.com and Whole Foods co-founder John Mackey.

Apple Company logo on a piece of hardware

Apple Innovates and Ascends toward $1 Trillion Market Cap

Paul Dykewicz examines Apple, which could be the first $1 trillion stock on the market.


Overstock.com Adds Appeal with Joint Venture and E-Commerce

Paul Dykewicz analyzes retail, e-commerce and blockchain company Overstock.com.


Bitcoin Fuels Potential Payoff for Investors in Blockchain Technology

Paul Dykewicz explores the investment opportunities provided by Bitcoin and Blockchain technology.