
Jim Woods


Volatility is back! And it’s back in a big way. Indeed, since the revelation late Thanksgiving night that a new COVID-19 variant, dubbed “Omicron,” had been identified in South Africa, markets have been extremely nervous.  That was evidenced by Friday’s huge holiday-shortened session selloff, where the S&P 500 and NASDAQ Composite both got smacked down […]

[office building]

Investing in industrial real estate aimed at e-commerce can be much more than a pedestrian walk along a warehouse district for investors. Contrary to popular belief, real estate is not exclusively limited to buying, selling, renting or renovating homes and other types of properties. In fact, real estate can run the gamut, as conveyed last […]


Blending data and real estate cause misnomers everywhere. Examples of misnaming abound. Panama hats actually come from Ecuador, French horns originated in Germany, not France, and pencil lead is not made of lead, but graphite. Similarly, while the name “real estate investment trusts” (REITs) seems to indicate that they are only focused on investing in […]


When it comes to the art of celebrating through feasting, there is perhaps no expression better than that belonging to fashion designer Elsa Schiaparelli, who once wrote, “Eating is not merely a material pleasure. Eating well gives a spectacular joy to life and contributes immensely to goodwill and happy companionship. It is of great importance […]


The energy market is facing what is popularly called a “Catch-22.” While the worldwide desire to shift to cleaner sources of energy to preserve the standard of life that humanity has grown accustomed to has put pressure on energy stocks, the global supply chain shortage due to the continuing worldwide effects and periodic outbreaks of […]


“I just wish to shine brighter, and if it burns my body to a crisp, I’m happy to go right now.” That bit of high-intensity wisdom comes from a man who I admire deeply: singer, songwriter, spoken-word artist, author, actor, radio and TV show host, publisher and true renaissance man Henry Rollins. Henry made his […]