
Jim Woods


You may not know that the common expression “cash cow” was coined by the great management guru Peter F. Drucker in the 1960s to refer to a product or business that continues to retain its sizable market share, even as the market itself is stagnant or declining. Such a business or product can continually churn […]


Life can be a cruel mistress. You can love her, take care of her and be truly good to her, but the next thing you know, she delivers you a heart-crushing blow. If you are an adult (and I know nearly all my readers are, despite the cadre of high school students in Southern California […]


With artificial intelligence (AI) taking up so much headline space, it might be easy to simply label it as a temporary market trend. However, this could not be further from the truth. While the boom in AI is recent, it has its roots in the broader trend of autonomous technology, an industry that has been […]


You know what they say about assumptions? That’s right, they can make a “you-know-what” out of “u” and “me.” Unfortunately, when it comes to markets, the folly of assumptions can do just that to many a confident and otherwise sophisticated investor. For example, just think about where we were last year at this time. The […]


Second nature comes alive Even if you close your eyes We exist through this strange device — Yes, “Big Generator” Artificial intelligence (AI) has captivated our imaginations and industries on a global scale. We are, like the Yes lyrics above, starting to see our existence through what may seem like strange (AI) devices. But you […]


One of my favorite aspects of what I do is that every year in markets is different. Indeed, unlike so many other businesses, the circumstances of every market year change, and often quite dramatically. Hey, it’s one of the reasons this is such an interesting business. In a recent issue of my morning briefing, Eagle […]