
Jim Woods


As we wind down 2023, let’s look at those exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that haven’t quite hit the high notes. In this analysis, we’ll dive into the realm of dividend ETFs that could potentially rebound as flight-to-safety plays, if there is a recession next year. If you’re up for braving a bit of risk in the […]

Disappointing Christmas Present

There are only a dozen or so shopping days left until Christmas, and while I hope you are close to completing your holiday list, I suspect that you still may have a few names you haven’t crossed off just yet. Hey, I know gift giving can be difficult, as it is often hard to find […]

[blue capsules spilling out of a bottle]

America loves weight-loss drugs. Here, I’m talking about the newest class of weight-loss drugs, the “GLP-1 drugs.” Indeed, the long-term impact of GLP-1 drugs has been a significant story in markets throughout 2023, but lately its had a bigger macro impact as expectations for this drug have resulted in substantial gains for specific large-cap pharmaceutical […]


ETF Talk: ‘DIVining’ a Path Through the Fog in Search of Wealth In my most recent Successful Investing newsletter (and if you aren’t a subscriber, why aren’t you?), I weighed the proverbial scales as to whether the bulls or the bears would come out on top. To keep a (very) long story short, there are […]


Some nights in life are just way better than others. In fact, some nights, you just wish for what we call, “Time Stand Still.” Some nights, you want to “Freeze this moment a little bit longer, make each sensation a little bit stronger.” Now, if you recognize these lyrical references, then you know the “we” […]


Dividends are usually seen as good for investors. Stocks that offer dividends effectively pay an extra little bonus to investors every quarter or month, as an incentive to keep people coming back for more. You would think this same incentive would carry over to exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that specialize in dividends; but as of late, […]