
A Case of Cognitive Dire Straits

After watching the recent debate between President Biden and former President Trump, I was left truly dumbfounded. First,...

Born on the Fourth of July

“Jim, why do Americans always think the United States is the greatest country in the world? Don’t the...

FreedomFest! ’24

Freedom (I won’t let you down) Freedom (I will not give you up) Freedom (Gotta have some faith...

These Two Books Battle It Out on College Campuses

Special Announcement: I'm happy to post my own schedule for next month's FreedomFest: My Schedule at FreedomFest 2024...

One Event Like This One Can Transform Society

“It is incredible the quantity of good that may be done in a country by a single man...

The Truth Is Out There (My Visit to Mar-a-Lago)

“Jim, how would you like to come to Mar-a-Lago and meet President Trump?” That’s what a wired-in colleague...

Without _________, There Would Be No Charities, NGOs or Political Campaign SuperPACs

“Big business is the ideal social institution.” -- Peter Drucker Personal Note: Today is the 80th anniversary of...

My Most Successful Way to Convert Students to Free-Market Capitalism

Last weekend, the Libertarian National Convention invited me to give a breakfast address entitled, “My Most Successful Way...

The Free Market’s Most Amazing Graph

Breaking News: My recommendation to invest in emerging markets is paying off. The Argentina Fund is now the top performing country...

The Most Hated Adage on Wall Street

“There’s more wisdom in your book than four years of college education!” -- Subscriber Back in November 2022,...