
Mark Skousen


My wife and I are here in London, England, after visiting Warsaw, Poland, a few days ago. I’m here to give a lecture on “Hayek vs. Keynes: Who’s on Top?” and to discuss how to apply “Austrian” economics to the financial world. You’ll note the name of this e-letter, the Skousen Investor CAFE. CAFE stands […]


Investors would be wise to take notice that the U.S. money supply (M2) is growing only at a tepid 3% rate, compared to double-digit percentage rates last year. That situation suggests an economic slowdown here in the United States — good news for the Republicans, but not for investors or for the stock market. In […]


As an investment newsletter editor, I probably lead all other writers in this one category: traveling and speaking. My subscribers constantly are amazed at how often I am away from home attending a conference or visiting a new country. I probably speak at two dozen economic and financial seminars each year. I’m almost constantly on […]


American Depository Receipt (ADR)-  A negotiable certificate issued by a U.S. bank representing a specific number of shares of a foreign stock traded on a U.S. stock exchange. ADRs make it easier for Americans to invest in foreign companies. “Auction fever”– A situation where bidders get emotionally caught in the auctioning of certain items and pay […]


The latest negative market conditions for investors include slowing gross domestic product (GDP) growth and poor employment reports in the United States, as well as bad news in Europe. GDP growth in the United States edged down to just an annual rate of 2.2% during the first quarter of 2012, compared to 3% at the […]


I spent this week in Beverly Hills attending the famous Milken Institute Global Conference, hosted by Michael Milken, and the watch word I heard repeatedly about the U.S. economy was “fiscal cliff.” The huge debt load the United States is facing on top of the trillions in unfunded liabilities is cause for alarm. A crisis […]