Emerging Markets

[renminbi bills]

China Shuts Down Bitcoin Loophole

Bitcoins, an electronic currency not backed by any governmental or corporate institution, were recently the subject of a...

China and Africa: Emerging Markets to Watch

During the last several years, subscribers to my investment newsletter made big money by investing in my Rise...

[interlocking Chinese and American flag puzzle pieces]

China Investments with U.S. Protections

China represents a phenomenal investment opportunity, but it leaves something to be desired in the rule of law...

[Great Wall of China]

Consider a Broad Investment in China

China’s growth is assured by its rising population, which already is the world’s largest. As long as broader...

ETF Talk: These Chinese Red Chips are Really Blue

China’s astonishing growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) during the past several years has been driven in no...

ETF Talk: The Philippine Tiger Cub with a Roar

The Philippines is among the group of populous, newly industrialized Asian nations known as the “tiger cubs” that...

Five Stock Markets That Are Shooting the Lights out

While most U.S. investors are transfixed by the U.S. government shutdown, there are a handful of stock markets...

ETF Talk: Indonesia is an Interesting Asian Alternative

For the past 50 years, many Asian countries have risen swiftly in world economic rankings. Among these is...

Is the United States the Global Economy’s Comeback Kid?

The United States is obsessed by rankings. Walk by any magazine rack, and you'll see that it is...

Why Emerging Markets Will Soar in Q4

Emerging Markets have had a lousy 2013. The threat of tapering by the U.S. Federal Reserve, the biggest...