
The Irrefutable Story of Financial Results

This week, I ran some numbers on the performance of some of the biggest exchange-traded funds (ETFs) here...

[Wall St. Sign]

This ‘One Word’ Will Lead You to Success on Wall Street

Too often investors panic and get so emotional they sell near the bottom of a bear market or...

Profiting from the Cybersecurity Pain Point

A new report purports that cyber attacks surged by 40% in 2014; the attackers are getting ever more...

Big Gains Come in All Sorts of Packages

Investing is a harsh taskmaster. Each day, cold, hard numbers tell you what you got right and what...

How the Right Domestic Stocks Can Still Be Profitable

Leading up to Friday’s pronounced sell-off, a growing number of equity strategists have been recommending raising equity weightings...

Seeking Profits in Calmer Waters

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are a great way to gain exposure to international assets and companies without having to...

U.S., E.U. and Chinese flags overlapping

How Markets around the World are Reacting to the Bull Market

Though bank earnings were on the whole solid, the real news this week was the huge sell-off on...

[woman holding smartphone]

Sitting at the Intersection of Opportunity and Pain Lies Battery Life

Examples of disruptive technologies include some you are no doubt familiar with -- the Internet, mobility and social...

[European Central Bank]

To Hedge, or Not to Hedge, that is the European Question

When Nicholas Vardy asks you to do a guest column for The Global Guru, the first thing that goes through...

Execution is King in Choppy Markets

Today’s notable market participants and the media alike are fixated on a few central themes that have painted...