
Mark Skousen

A trader looks at a mixed financial picture

This big financial operators were betting that last year’s winners would continue to outperform.

Mario Draghi

The European Central Bank, under Italian banker Mario Draghi, cut its bank deposit rate below zero in an effort to “avert the dangerous threat of deflation” and to spur the “sluggish” euro-zone economy.

[prescription pills in a rising bar graph on $100 bills]

Harris Rosen, CEO and founder of Rosen Resorts & Hotels in Central Florida, is a visionary who has proven that the private sector can solve today’s big social problems, such as unemployment, illness and poverty.


There is one bright light in free-enterprise capitalism: India.


In the past couple of years, these companies have been popular and beaten the market, as investors searched for higher yields in a low-interest-rate environment.

scales of justice on a law book next to a gavel

The Economist magazine rightly calls French professor Thomas Piketty the new Marx, although a watered-down version.