
Mark Skousen


“Global warming” is being blamed for every conceivable natural disaster, but average temperatures have shown little change in the past two decades.


I contend that Gross Output (GO) is better than Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in measuring the economy. GO is an attempt to measure spending at all stages of production.


The editors of the Wall Street Journal gave me top billing in yesterday’s op-ed page: “At Last, a Better Economic Measure.”

[Wall St. Sign]

I gave my Presidential Fellow address last night at Chapman University to an enthusiastic crowd on the vital subject, “Main Street vs. Wall Street: The Stock Market as the Best Example of Democratic Capitalism.”

Chinese Flag in Shape of China

At the Raffles Hotel in Singapore, Jim Rogers predicted that China would lead the world in the new century and surpass America as the world’s greatest superpower.


Yesterday, about 50 of us on the FreedomFest Asian cruise heard famed financial guru Jim Rogers (“The Adventure Capitalist”) speak on his living in Singapore and your latest investment advice.