
Ned Piplovic


Apple Inc, (NASDAQ:AAPL) announced on Jan. 17 that it plans $350 billion of investments into the U.S. economy over the next five years. These investments are in addition to what Apple already committed previously and excludes revenues generated through sales taxes paid on its products, the company’s own current taxes and taxes that its employees […]


Many people might assume that a technology giant like the International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM) or a small startup company operated from a studio apartment in Silicon Valley or the Czech Republic holds the most blockchain patents. However, those people would be wrong. While IBM and Mastercard Incorporated (NYSE:MA) share the second place with 27 […]


After disrupting the online music streaming business almost a decade ago, Spotify AB is set to initiate another wave of disruption that could drastically impact the initial public offering (IPO) underwriting process. The Wall Street Journal estimates that Spotify’s unique IPO will generate only approximately 30% in underwriting fees compared to what underwriting companies would […]


With rising oil demand, lower-than-expected oil supplies and a weakening dollar driving oil prices higher, Exxon Mobil (NYSE:XOM) might be in an advantageous position to capitalize. The XOM share price just recovered from the steady drop in the first half of 2017 and closed on January 12, 2018, at $87.52, which was 0.2% higher than […]


South Korea’s government announced that it plans to ban the trading of cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin,  and other governments have not been very supportive of cryptocurrencies either. However, the U.S. government announced that it will sell Bitcoin to the public. However, you should not get your hopes up that the U.S. government is embracing the […]


While fully autonomous transportation seemed like it belonged only in science fiction or the distant future not so long ago, General Motors (GM) plans to make it reality as early as next year. According to Reuters, GM announced that it is currently engaged in final the stages of regulatory approval. Pending government approval, GM intends […]