Retirement Planning and Investing

Read about key developments in the United States and elsewhere that are most relevant to investors interested in retirement planning and investing.

[U.S. Capitol]

U.S. Government Shutdown Cost 0.6% in GDP, economists estimate

Standard & Poor’s economists estimate that the total costs of the shutdown will add up to $24 billion,...

More of My Favorite Quotes on Successful Trading

As I've written before, I’m a big fan of quotes. A good quote -- once you really “get”...

[U.S. Capitol]

How Do You Assess the Economy amid the Shutdown?

Investors rely on a ton of data to make decisions. I know I do and it has become...

Is Capitalism All about Dog-Eat-Dog Competition?

"Markets are a vast cooperative enterprise in which buyers and sellers work together to set prices and allocate...

[Frieghtliner Freight Truck]

Trucking — the Lifeblood of the Economy with Chris Burruss, President of the Truckload Carriers Association

Joining me on PowerTalk today is Chris Burruss, president of the Truckload Carriers Association, and we talk about...

Signs of Weak Holiday Spending Are Starting to Emerge

In a few days, we’ll close the books on both the month of September and 3Q 2013. Soon,...

Minimum Wage Minimizes Job Growth

Job growth has been the bleakest aspect of the seemingly never-ending Great Recession. It is not even keeping...

Where and How Reading is Going with Kobo CEO Mike Serbinis

Joining me on PowerTalk today to discuss the e-reader market, its new line of Android tablets that are...

Is the United States the Global Economy’s Comeback Kid?

The United States is obsessed by rankings. Walk by any magazine rack, and you'll see that it is...

Big Business and Potential Regulatory Costs with Lynn Liddle of Domino’s Pizza

When most people think of hanging out with family and friends, it tends to involve one of my...