
Jim Woods

[Tesla Motors]

As an unapologetic advocate of capitalism and free markets, the thought of a politician blocking the sale of a legal product in any way, or for whatever reason, is an abhorrent concept.


The moment I’m referring to here is what I call the rant heard round the country, a beautifully passionate, emotionally clear yet philosophically penetrating outburst by CNBC reporter Rick Santelli.

[dollar bills]

Despite the aggregate decline in the Dow, there still are a few industrials trading to the plus side.

[prescription pills in a rising bar graph on $100 bills]

Do you remember the worst Christmas present you ever received?

[coin put into piggy bank]

After a little soul searching, I came up with the following unsolicited tidbits of wisdom.

[Warren Buffett]

Bill Gross is arguably one of the most successful money managers in the world. The founder and chief investment officer of the world’s largest bond fund, Pacific Investment Management Co. (PIMCO), is a billionaire, and he’s made his money by expertly helping investors successfully allocate money to the bond market.