
Jim Woods


This summer, the world quietly celebrated an event that illustrates what humans are capable of achieving when they apply the tremendous power of reason to a goal. I say “quietly,” because while there were some public commemorations, and many congratulatory events in scientific and technology circles, there really wasn’t a massive public celebration surrounding what […]


Jim Woods discusses an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that allows investors to profit off of gaming. Specifically, this ETF focuses on esports.


Jim Woods reminds us of what we have to be thankful for and why we should be thankful for it. He then states what he is thankful for.


Jim Woods reveals and discusses an ETF that tracks an index of stocks that have been deemed to have “positive social characteristics.”


Jim Woods lists 5 ways to enhance your communications skills in an era where such a skill has fallen by the wayside due to social media.


Jim Woods explains how people can win more by doing less through employing Ockham’s Razor and prioritizing their various duties.