U.S. Investing

Learn the latest to help you profit from investing in U.S.-based assets, such as stocks, funds and options.

The Fed Holds off on Tapering

Nearly everyone on Wall Street pretty much thought the Fed would do some sort of “tapering” of its...

Will September Once Again Disappoint?

Every year I say September hits like a thunderous jolt on many levels. It is back to school...

The 9/11 Investment Strategy: Preparing for the Unexpected

“It's easier to prepare than to predict.” -- Hank Brock I gave my first talk about the 9/11...

The Worst Month Starts off Strong

September is, at least historically speaking, the worst month of the year for the stock market. This year,...

What the August Employment Report Could Do to Today’s Stock Market

During the last few days, we’ve gotten a number of economic reports that show an improving global economy....

Surviving the September Scuttlebutt

Last week marked the final days of “summer,” at least in market terms. As expected, there wasn’t much...

War Drums Beat on Markets

The latest soundtrack in the financial markets can best be described as the beating of war drums with...

You Should Keep A Watch List of Stocks

During the next five trading days, we'll be saying goodbye to a few things, such as trading during...

The Rate Ramp and the Foreign Factor

If you harbored any doubt about the biggest story in the markets right now, then one look at...

The Secret Sauce of Silicon Valley’s Success

This year, I've traveled to and spent time in some of the most economically cutting-edge regions of the...