Stock Markets

Consider the CurrencyShares British Pound Sterling Trust (FXB)

Investment expert Jim Woods shares the details on this British Pound Sterling Trust fund.

The Recent Storm of Contract Dysfunction

Investing expert Jim Woods discusses recent issues of political "contract dysfunction."

The Best of Times Is Right Now

Investment expert Jim Woods shares his view on the robust U.S. economic growth.

Bears, Globalists vs. Protectionists, and Conquering Fear

Investment expert Jim Woods discusses why it's important to not jump into the bears camp in the current...

The Head-Scratching Trump Tariffs

Investment expert Jim Woods discusses the potential negative impact of the Tariffs that President Trump is proposing.

Market Gets Caught in the Grip of a Seesaw in Sentiment

Investment expert Bryan Perry shares what has been behind the seesaw movements behind the stock market.

Easy Exposure to the Commodities Market

Investment expert Jim Woods discusses this ETF, which is the biggest fund in the commodities market.

Market Correction Sparks Feeding Frenzy for Stocks

Income investment expert Bryan Perry shares with us how investors are taking advantage of the market correction.

Should You Be 100% Invested or 100% in Cash?

Economist Dr. Mark Skousen shares whether now is the time to be fully invested or to stay on...

Learning to Match the Beat of the ‘New World Man’ Market

Investment expert Jim Woods shares the impact computer algorithm trading had in the recent large market swings.