International Investing

Learn the latest to help with your international investing.

Making Money Alert: The Great European Unknown

Our old friend Mr. Volatility has returned to the markets. Fear of the great European unknown has conjured...

U.S. Leaders Need to Impose Tariff to Change Chinese Trade Policies, Trump Says

China’s economic growth is fueled by unfair trade policies that U.S.leaders should try to change by imposing a...

Making Money Alert: If Europe’s Fiscal Levee Breaks

When the levee breaks, I’ll have no place to stay… --Led Zeppelin, “When The Levee Breaks” I am...

PowerTrend Brief: No Answers on Greece and Further Slowing in May Drive Market Volatility

The turbulence that began as we entered the current quarter turned into a relatively steep drop in the...

Making Money Alert: Avoiding a European Downpour

Stocks are down big time today, and there's one reason -- Europe. The machinations over how to deal...

PowerTrend Brief: The Greek Drama Continues amid the Growing Roar over the U.S. Fiscal Cliff

This week, I attended The Money Show in Las Vegas, met with many of you during my presentations...

Making Money Alert: Dazed and Confused

When it comes to how investors feel about the current market, I think a line from a song...

Playing Defense with the “Hedge Portfolio”

The recent sharp sell-off in global financial markets has put the fear of God into many investors. The...

Making Money Alert: Markets Get Euro Slapped

The market’s taken a stiff smack over the past week, and that’s chiefly due to European voters. Over...

The “Bottom Line” on Europe, Outsourcing and Global Innovation

Judging from the number of e-mails I received from you yesterday, the election of a socialist President in...