U.S. Investing

Learn the latest to help you profit from investing in U.S.-based assets, such as stocks, funds and options.

Four Artificial Intelligence Stocks to Buy in a Technology Bull Market

Four artificial intelligence stocks to buy in a technology bull market provide a path to potentially potent profits....

[U.S. Capitol]

The Greatest Threat to Your Wealth (No, It’s Not the Government)

“Investigate before you invest.” -- Charles Merrill (Merrill Lynch) “I have always found it profitable to study my mistakes.”...

Getting More ‘Momentum’

Sometimes, especially during times of economic uncertainty, bank failures and high interest rates, it is best to play...

Stock Market Broadens Out on Big Upside Breakout

Investors will be in a period of macro-economic volatility for a while. There is no question in my...

Are You Next? Artificial Intelligence Takes 326 Million Jobs

Step into the year 2030, where the latest advancements are reshaping the way we live and work. Unemployment...

Candy Keynes Is Making Us Sick! Here’s My Remedy

“Keynes wrote an apology for the prevailing policies of governments. Keynesians blithely assume that the state has unlimited...

Thank You, Mr. O’Neil

The Roman statesman and philosopher Cicero wrote, “The life of the dead is placed in the memory of...

Learn to Invest in Deep Learning AI

With the tech sector soaring to seemingly astronomical heights, a key driver appears to be artificial intelligence (AI)....

Five Cutting-edge Software Investments to Buy as Technology Rises

Five cutting-edge software investments to buy as technology rises again feature three funds, a cybersecurity company and another...

Apartment REIT Valuations Have Entered the Buy Zone

**************************** Personal Invitation ****************** Each year, at this time, I invite a handful of investors to join my...